Live Better With : Great website for Cancer Patients
I received a complimentary product or service for a honest review. This site contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Read More
Getting a cancer diagnosis can be quite daunting not only do you have to get your head around having a life threatening illness but it can also be scary thinking about the side effects of the treatments and how to deal with them.
A website I have found quite useful is Live Better With. It offers some advice on how to cope with treatment in the blog and tips section. I found the shop so useful as it had a product for nearly every type of side effect.
A find that a lot of cancer product sites add a huge mark up on prices not only are you facing a grueling treatment but they think its OK to rip you off too, I found the Live Better With to be quite reasonably priced and this site to me was all about the convenience of having lots of excellent products in one place.

One of the things I loved about this website is it is a perfect go to site if you want to buy a gift for someone that is going through cancer treatment. During my treatment the gifts that meant more were things that I found useful and it felt like someone had really thought about me as a person rather than just sending me some flowers or chocolates but dont get me wrong I can also never have enough chocolate.
I liked how you could shop by need so I was having difficultly sleeping or rather getting comfortable whilst in bed which was causing me to not sleep very well so I searched for products that could help and that is how I discovered the Bamboo bedding.
Live Better With kindly send me a duvet set to try and it was super duper soft (I love saying super duper not used it in years and it really describes the bedding).
I had heard of bamboo clothing but didnt realise how soft it was until I received this duvet cover and pillow set. I can not wait to get the sheet now so I have a full set.
It is quite expensive but when it comes to sleep it is very important and you should get years of use out of this. Unfortunately I haven’t got any pictures of it on my bed as my room is a huge mess of clothes as I am sorting through all my unwanted items and I am too embarrassed to post a picture at the moment.

I will add at a later date when my room is nice and tidy so you can see how lovely it also looks but n the mean time here is a picture from their website.
I would recommend this bedding even if you are not going through treatment it is important to be comfortable in bed. Not only does this bedding look nice as it comes in White or Mint but it actually has benefits by being made of bamboo. Did you know that Bamboo is “unabsorbent, which means bamboo bed sheets won’t absorb the oils from your skin. Since bamboo bed sheets won’t absorb the oils from your skin, they won’t yellow and gray over time like traditional bed sheets and they will look brand-new for years to come“.

This is a cool advantage when going through cancer treatment as I used a few products at night that were oil based and they did stain my sheets.
I would recommend Live Better with in the future as it is a excellent site for many products that are going to help people going through a cancer diagnosis. It also gave me some ideas of things that could help me through my own diagnosis.
Thank you to Live Better With for letting me try this wonderful product and helping me get a better nights sleep. I received a free product to try but it has not influenced my opinion in any way this is a completely honest review.
1 Comment
LIVE BETTER WITH! nice name 🙂
i hope someday nobody suffers of cancer