Fear is Growing : Halloween Attraction Bristol
I live local to Avon Country Park and have visited for a number of its attractions including its Christmas events which are magical. A lot of my friends visited Fear last year and it looked amazing so I was really excited to go this year. I had to use the images provided by Fear as I spent most of my time running away from the Zombies walking around.

I attended Fear at Avon Valley on a press night with Bristol Bloggers and we had the VIP pass where we had access to a VIP area, free drinks, popcorn and sweets, perfect for getting in the Halloween Trick or Treating mood.
I would recommend getting a fast track pass if you dont like queuing like me. The queues into the mazes were long as it is such a popular event. With the fast track you have a separate line and to be honest I only ever saw a handful of people using this line.

Scare attractions are a relatively new thing in the UK but is very popular in the USA. It was actually in Los Angeles that I attended my first haunted hay ride and as I spent the whole time laughing at my mum screaming her head of I had great time.
To start the night we had a introduction from the owners of the park. I love their enthusiasm and passion for the events that they put on. This year they wanted to make Fear a celebration as it is their 5th Birthday of running Avon Country park and I can understand why they are so proud as the events are always fun and I wasn’t disappointed with Fear 2018.
I took my best friend along, she has never been to a Halloween event like this and she had a great time, we both did. I am so glad I had her to hold onto as the mazes are scary and will definitely get your heart beating. I think because in part of them you are in complete darkness, it gets all your senses going.
The first maze we went in was the House of Clowns. We were greeted by a nice little old lady who looked friendly enough but when we went into her house it was a different matter. This maze had a lot of fluorescent paint which made the walls look as though they were jumping out at you and then the actual clowns starting flashing before your eyes. This is definitely one to avoid if you have a fear of clowns.

The second maze was Phobia where we first went into a coffin. Thankfully me and my friend went in together as it was pitch black and a hand grabbed us from the darkness and pulled us into this maze. This was actually quite terrifying as it was mostly pitch black with strobing lights and when the lights flashed this is when the faces would appear in front of you. You dont know which way to turn and I did get a bit panicky as I dont let not being able to get out of a situation but this just added to the fear and I knew I was safe and I managed to escape. However it did take it out of me.

These mazes are not geared up for people with disabilities I found it tiring having mobility issues not because it was difficult walking around but you are tense and have to really concentrate on where you are walking. Two mazes was enough for me. I heard from the other bloggers that the other mazes were just as scary and fun.
With our VIP pass we had access to the extra attraction The Killzone, where you get to shoot at Zombies. This was my favourite bit as I love a shooting game and it was quite exhilarating knocking them down before they got to attack.
There are some fascinating characters walking around, food stalls including Burger Theory which I love, a fully stocked bar and even a light and Fire show. It makes a great night out for people who love Halloween and being scared.

Some important information from Fear :
- Event opening times: 5:30pm until 11pm.
- Killzone, Fair Ground, Side Attractions and Food / Bar open from 5.30pm.
- Maze Attraction opening times: 6:30pm until 10:00pm
- Dressing up is encouraged but no full or half face masks, costume props or fake weapons are allowed in the event.
- Your bag will be searched upon entry, you are advised to leave bags at home.
- This is a 12A rated event; anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (over 18yrs) at all times.
- Avon Valley FEAR Scream Park features a whole night of entertainment, including; four live-action scare attractions, street entertainment, fairground rides, KILLZONE Zombie and a variety of bar and food outlets. (Additional charges apply for the fairground rides, food/drink & KILLZONE Zombie.)
- We get really busy during our peak nights, if you want to get into all the attractions we recommend you arrive NO LATER THAN 7.30pm. We advise you to buy/upgrade to a Fast Track or VIP ticket so you can skip the queues and enjoy the other event offerings if you arrive later than 7.30pm. These tickets are limited per night so make sure you purchase early to avoid disappointment. However, if you can’t get one of these tickets don’t worry! Just make sure you arrive early so you can get to all the attractions.
- Outside you can take as many photos as you’d like with our characters! But while inside the attractions, no recording devices, flash photography or flashlights are allowed.
- Bringing alcohol into the event is strictly prohibited and bag searches will be in operation at the main gate and throughout the event. Any alcohol brought into the event will be confiscated. Should you wish to indulge, please enjoy our bars and food outlets provided. However, those deemed too intoxicated and dangerous to our characters will be ejected from the attractions and event immediately without refund. We want you and all other visitors to enjoy the night, so while having fun, please act responsibly. You will not be allowed to enter any of the live attractions if the entry staff deem you to have consumed too much alcohol.
- Mistreating any of our actors or staff inside or outside the attractions and event will result in immediate removal from the event. All attractions have CCTV installed. Any physical or sexual abuse will lead to prosecution.
The site is exposed to the elements and based on a farm so wearing heels or flip-flops is discouraged. Suitable footwear is advised and please plan ahead for our ever-changing weather and for an October evening outdoors
Thank you to Fear at Avon Valley for two complimentary VIP tickets to this event. It has not influenced my review and all opinions of my own.