Everyone needs some space for relaxation and to recharge their batteries. Research has shown that taking time off from a job in order to clear the mind has created a new distinct form ofhealth travel.
By incorporating the word wellness in it, it can be safely assumed that such trips are undertaken to address issues relating to stress, anxiety or physical ailments.
The general aim is to gain loads of energy, look younger and live longer. There are other numerous health benefits also, but here we share with you the top ten which will go into enhancing your healing holiday experience.

Unwind among nature
A conveniently located holistic health and wellness resort, like the ones you find on Vacayou, afford ideal opportunities to rejuvenate and strengthen your inner core amidst the beautiful essence of nature.
For example – The Blue Ridge Mountain retreat in Western NC is just the place where you can spend quality time in a spectacular and supportive environment. As you start to decompress from the strains of everyday life, your body will sync with the energy of the natural surroundings you have just recently entered.
As you do yoga at sunrise, or take part in the numerous outdoor activities, you will enjoy the solace of communing with nature and becoming aware of your own sensations that you hardly focus on at home.

Reflect, restore and renew
A regular holiday brings about short-term improvements in general well-being, but an extended stay in a wellness retreat can drastically improve the metabolism in the long run.
This life-changing experience will allow you to reconnect with your inner self and gain more clarity in decision making in the long run.
Gain expert advice
Retreats offer expert counseling sessions by professionals on yoga, meditation and other healing treatments, to help one in striking the right balance and attaining a feeling of well-being.
These personal sessions are specially catered for the individual’s needs, not only to improve condition, but take the simple tools of practice learnt back to their homes for incorporation in their day to day life. If you have a specific treatment in mind, such as decreasing anxiety or rebalancing of hormones, it is advisable to inform your health consultant in advance, to get the most out of your time at the resort.
Enjoy a healthy diet
Food plays an essential role in your day to day life, irrespective of whether you are at home or in a retreat. The difference is that a quality wellness resort will provide this daily necessity in a way to detox the body and instead reward it with the diet it needs in the tastiest way possible.
The extent to which you wish to embrace it depends entirely upon you. At Lithuania’s Vilnius Grand Resort, you will not only return with a bag full of new recipes but also get to savour healthy cuisine everyday of your stay.

Long-lasting health benefits
Apart from offering escape from a full and tiring routine, a stay at a retreat gives you time to focus on issues you have chosen to ignore due to time restraints and simply reconnect with yourself and rejuvenate. Moreover, yoga retreats have been known to provide succour to patients with a variety of health issues like blood pressure, arthritis, rheumatism, anxiety and other ailments.
A change from the routine
It has been widely observed that at the end of spending time in a retreat, people soon get back to their busy and hectic routines. However, they approach life with renewed enthusiasm and clarity and a fresh and healthier perspective.
This new sense of empowerment will change the way you look at people and the world in general.
Opportunity to explore a new locale
Yoga and wellness retreats are always located in stunning and beautiful locales in some of the best places all over the world. Whether you want to stay on the beaches, mountains or rainforests, a stay at a retreat is like getting the best of both worlds.
A holiday at the Augustine Sister’s Monastery in Quebec, Canada is like going on a vacation in a scenic destination with a holistic experience of rest, renewal and rediscovery at a new level.

Establish ties with like-minded people
The sole aim of a wellness retreat is to provide support to those who want to overcome their inner conflicts. While the instructors and practitioners play their part in providing this, the role of other attendees, with similar concerns, also plays a major part.
Connecting with fellow guests who are on the same wavelength with you is an invaluable source of new ideas and related feedback. This not only brings a feeling of unity but also creates life-long relationships.
Additionally there are retreats catering to singles and solo travelers, to allay fears of being trapped in a place full of loving couples.
Learn how to meditate
Time spent at a retreat will allow you to meditate fully in your own private space and without any distractions. This art of instilling the mind through yoga and meditation can be learnt quickly at a retreat as you are allowed to focus more deeply than at home. You can then carry this calmness with you throughout the day back into your busy home, relaxed and refreshed to go back again.

Enhance health with exercises
The relaxed yoga and gentle resistance sessions will help in improving your sense of well-being and maintain physical balance.
A workout in a gym or engaging in high impact sports can actually bruise the body and even injure the muscles. Having said that, a healthy empowering exercise can soothe all parts of the body.
These safe healthy forms of physical activity, offered by professional instructors at a wellness retreat, will progressively create stronger resistance and muscle flexibility, without any ill-effects.
Seeking self renewal in peaceful surroundings in the arms of nature has been the practice of humans since the early days. It is for this reason, a healthy lifestyle vacation has become a norm for individuals seeking relaxation and overall enjoyment.
Holistic wellness holidays are today are not only a valuable part of the modern day hospitality industry, but an ideal getaway for a rejuvenating holiday. With the phenomenal growth in the wellness industry, yoga and luxury retreats promoting functional health and fitness have become a staple of the travel portals.
The growth in the competition in this field means that plenty of wellness vacations are now available at affordable rates, making them more accessible to people than ever before.
Clients can even pick and choose from the programs which suit them best to get something more out of their holiday, than just whiling away time in a luxury getaway.