My thoughts on Aqua Massage – Why is it one of the strangest massages I have had
I love massages and like to try something different when I am away so when came across an aqua massage in Las Vegas I was dying to give it a go.
They looked fun but as these were in the hotel corridor or middle of a shopping centre it kind of put me off as I didn’t want people staring at me.
A few days later when I was in San Francisco, I walked past a shop adveritsing aquamassage on Pier 39 and decidedto have a go as I have never seen it in the UK.

What is aqua massage
Aqua massage also known as Hydromassage is a dry water massage. Special aqua massage beds have been designed to massage the body with jet of water but you dont get wet.
Hydromassage has the potential to help relieve pain for people with fibromyalgia, sore muscles or various forms of chronic pain so I thought it might help with the pain I suffer as a result of chemotherapy.
Getting ready in the Aqua massage machine
I cant have massage on the upper part of body due to surgery so I just had to position myself further up on the bed so it didn’t go to my shoulders.
I discussed this with the lady in the salon and she said it was perfectly safe just like being in a shower. Although you don’t actually get wet as there is a lining between you and the jets.

Cost of aqua massage
It was $20 for ten minutes, I’m sure she gave me longer as I was the only one in the shop as it felt like ages.
As I was having my massage more people came in to have one, not sure if it was my laughing getting them in or what.
By the time I was finished all the other machines were being used. They gave my mum a hand massage whilst she was waiting for me.
I have since looked into trying Aqua massage in the UK and I have found a place ni Bristol where I live that claims to be the only place in the UK with this unique aqua massage facility so I know what I am going to be doing soon and it is only £10 alongside other treatments. Bristol Massage Therapy Centre

What does Aqua massage feel like
You lie down on what is like a sun bed, I needed help to get onto it as the bloody thing was high.
You could alter the pressure and press a button to hold the jets in a certain place I kept holding it on my soles of feet as it was making me giggle, it was so ticklish.

You are given headphones which I thought would play relaxing music but they were just to protect your ears from the noise of the water jets.
It was definitely fun and I did feel a bit more relaxed and the next day the twinge had gone in my back but I’m not sure if it was because of this or not.

Have you had a aqua massage or anything else you can recommend, get in touch as I love hearing about new ways to relax!!